Review of 85% Cacao Raspberry Blackout - Alter Eco by brtjohns

photo of Alter Eco 85% Cacao Raspberry Blackout shared by @brtjohns on  15 May 2023 - reviewphoto of Alter Eco 85% Cacao Raspberry Blackout shared by @brtjohns on  15 May 2023 - reviewphoto of Alter Eco 85% Cacao Raspberry Blackout shared by @brtjohns on  15 May 2023 - reviewphoto of Alter Eco 85% Cacao Raspberry Blackout shared by @brtjohns on  15 May 2023 - reviewphoto of Alter Eco 85% Cacao Raspberry Blackout shared by @brtjohns on  15 May 2023 - review

Alter Eco

#recyclable, #ethicallymade, #palmoilfree

If I had to choose only one chocolate bar to eat for the rest of my life this one probably wins. Not only is it delicious with a high cacao %, love the #plasticfree packaging. Not as high in sugar as most. Alter eco passes the #ethicalchocolate test by all the raters.



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