Review of Organic Kumquats - Rainbow Valley Orchards by thedarktower

photo of Rainbow Valley Orchards Organic Kumquats shared by @thedarktower on  19 Feb 2023 - reviewphoto of Rainbow Valley Orchards Organic Kumquats shared by @thedarktower on  19 Feb 2023 - reviewphoto of Rainbow Valley Orchards Organic Kumquats shared by @thedarktower on  19 Feb 2023 - review

Rainbow Valley Orchards

#recyclable, #biodegradable, #compostable

I don’t know if I’ve ever had to kumquat before. I didn’t love it. It was exactly what I imagined eating a very small orange whole would be like. It was kind of seedy and chewy. I did see recipes online for making a marmalade, which would probably be pretty amazing. It did have a good flavor (sweet citrus), but there wasn’t enough pulp in them and I didn’t like the texture.

The size and shape of a large olive, the kumquat is like an orange in reverse, with a sweet skin and tart pulp. So you don't have to peel the kumquat; you simply eat the entire fruit.


thedarktower $.60Reply


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