Review of Collard Greens - Cal-Organic Farms by dentalandlentils

photo of Cal-Organic Farms Collard Greens shared by @dentalandlentils on  01 Jan 2023 - reviewphoto of Cal-Organic Farms Collard Greens shared by @dentalandlentils on  01 Jan 2023 - reviewphoto of Cal-Organic Farms Collard Greens shared by @dentalandlentils on  01 Jan 2023 - review

Cal-Organic Farms

As much as I love greens, I have always been a little intimidated by the big leaves because I never know what to do with them. The last time I bought these, I ate them raw and they were a little bitter. I used these in a soup recipe and they turned out great! The collard greens softened a little but not too much. I also loved seeing the tip to #reuse the tie. #dentalandlentils #eatyourgreens



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