Review of VFC (Vegan Fried Chicken) at Bite Down by maiagaia

photo of Bite Down VFC (Vegan Fried Chicken) shared by @maiagaia on  15 Nov 2022 - review

Tried the VFC (Vegan Fried Chicken) at VegFest London, and really enjoyed it! It was a generous portion served with either mayo or sweet chili, or both, and of course I opted for both!

The texture of the pieces was pretty close to fried chicken, though it could have done with being way more crispy for my liking, but the taste was really good, with a lovely mix of spices coming through.

This def will fill the craving for junk food, and be much more ethical and healthier in the process! I haven't tried any other VFC, but for my first try, this was pretty good. 🙂



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