Review of Power of Seven Purple Juice - Trader Joe's by hereforareason

photo of Trader Joe's Power of Seven Purple Juice shared by @hereforareason on  17 May 2021 - review

Trader Joe's

This purple drink, unlike many purple drinks, is delicious! It’s a blend of 7 organic juices: pomegranate, tart cherry, black mulberry, red grape, carrot, cranberry, and blueberry. (The power green version I’ve drank for its health benefits but haven’t enjoyed quite as much.) The sweetness that comes from these ingredients is so pleasant it almost tastes like honey! Perfect way to get some antioxidants.

stevenneoh #berrylover 🙌3 likesReply
aqualing Great book btw 📖💙1 likeReply
hereforareason I haven’t read it yet, but Caitlin Doughty’s work and the Order of the Good Death are so wonderful! 🙌🏼1 likeReply
aqualing 🙌🏼 I’ll check that one out😉Reply


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