Review of Marzipan Egg - Favorina by itsanavi

photo of Favorina Marzipan Egg shared by @itsanavi on  30 Mar 2021 - reviewphoto of Favorina Marzipan Egg shared by @itsanavi on  30 Mar 2021 - reviewphoto of Favorina Marzipan Egg shared by @itsanavi on  30 Mar 2021 - review


I really love marzipan, its texture and that almond flavor😍 Although it’s high in sugar and a bit too sweet for me, I like to indulge in sweets like this through the holidays😛

💰12 HRK ≈ €1,60 ≈ $1,90

#chocolate #chocoholic #Easter #toocutetoeat

yofunkylady Wrapped in plastic, also we should stop buying anything wrapped or contained in plastic. Where does it go? It litters the land, ends up in rivers, lakes and the ocean killing marine life. Animals too are suffering and dying. If you really love these, contact their corporate office and stress the crucial importance of using other means to package their products. Plastic is destructive to the environment and all living beings. There’s so much more I could tell you, but do the research for yourself. Get on your browser and start asking questions. You will find the answers. I’m only telling you this because apparently you were unaware. Please, do your part. Whether we like it or not, we are all interconnected, no matter what race, culture, country. Everything on earth has a purpose in the ecosystem. If we destroy the ecosystem there will be an end to all life on earth including humans. ✊💔😌1 likeReply
itsanavi I agree with everything you said. Wrapping the product in plastic is not sustainable. I have to tell you that I was fully aware and still am aware when buying other products. Being aware, that’s the first step. Of course, if there is an alternative to a product I really love in a more sustainable package, then it has an advantage for me over a product wrapped in plastic. Companies are also aware of this and I guess you know yourself that changing packaging can sometimes be a time consuming process. I am a person who aspires to switch to a whole food plant-based diet in the future, so I will no longer buy processed foods like this, but currently everyone's goal should be to just try to create demand for plant-based products and at the same time try to contact companies to change plastic packaging if it bothers them personally. A much bigger problem is posed by those who consume animal procucts. Tons and tons of meat and dairy products are packaged in plastic every day. Personally, I have been bothered by a lot of unsustainable things so far, for example I replaced my menstrual pads with a cup, I have my glass bottle of water to carry around, I replaced my makeup remover pads with a cotton cloth, I avoid buying food containing palm oil, I started using solid hair shampoos to avoid plastic packaging etc. To conclude, do I think we should collectively give up trying a new vegan chocolate bar because it’s wrapped in plastic? Not really. You try it and send an e-mail to the company where you say it is very tasty, but you will not continue buying it until they change the packaging. The beauty of this our lifestyle is that there is always room for improvement💚2 likesReply
yofunkylady Yes I agree with everything thing you said too. I stopped eating, buying animal and dairy products many years ago. As a vegan I’m alarmed by how humans are destroying everything in in their path. Soon there will be no animals, no marine life, or humanity if we don’t change our habits. Habits, that’s what they are. Yes being aware is the first step, and I’ll never stop educating people about what they do and how it affects the planet. If we all don’t change, we are facing the 6th mass extinction. 💙1 likeReply
yofunkylady Btw, I want to thank you for your part in taking action to sustain the earth 👍🏼😊2 likesReply
yofunkylady All it takes is for people to wake up and change.1 likeReply


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