Review of Berry White Sticks - Wicked by vegansuttonmama

photo of Wicked Berry White Sticks shared by @vegansuttonmama on  18 Mar 2021 - review


The best stick icecream ever!! Move aside magnum & Gianni’s, hello Wicked Kitchen!
My husband and I devoured these in minutes. The taste so fantastic. I don’t even think someone who still eats dairy would be able to tell these are vegan unless they’re told so. Creamy, smooth icecream with sweet sticky jam swirls, covered in white chocolate and raspberry pieces for an added crunch. Perfection!
#wickedkitchen #tesco #icecream #frozen

svraphael88 Wooooowww!1 likeReply
vegansuttonmama It really is!1 likeReply
beckyyy These look incredible! Wish Wicked was available in the US. 1 likeReply
vegansuttonmama I think it is coming to the US, with the name Wicked Foods. Sure I saw an article about it last year somewhere 1 likeReply
beckyyy Oooooh awesome!Reply


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