Review of Mango Yogurt (No Added Sugars) - Alpro by david-

photo of Alpro Mango Yogurt (No Added Sugars) shared by @david- on  08 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of Alpro Mango Yogurt (No Added Sugars) shared by @david- on  08 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of Alpro Mango Yogurt (No Added Sugars) shared by @david- on  08 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of Alpro Mango Yogurt (No Added Sugars) shared by @david- on  08 Jan 2021 - review


Alpro with lots of mango 🥭 The mango taste it awesome and there are even some mango pieces inside! No added sugar since the mango has fruits sugar itself. They add calcium and essential vitamins like B12 💪 #veganuary

domcsiwill Hi, I know this is not a place to chat and I don't know if it is even possible to do that in this app but I would like to ask if vegans can eat honey? I know it's a product of bees which are animals but they naturally do that and humans only help them so from my point of view they can. But what do you say or what do you know about this topic? Thank you a lot ☺️☺️☺️2 likesReply
david- In my opinion: it depends where the honey comes from but I personally don’t consume it. Yes, bees produce honey, but why do they do it? They don’t do it for humans. There are many unethical practices involved in the commercial honey production: These include clipping the wings of queen bees to prevent them from fleeing the hive, replacing harvested honey with nutritionally inferior sugar syrups, and killing entire colonies to prevent the spread of disease, instead of giving them medicine. Honey’s main function is to provide bees with carbohydrates and other essential nutrients like amino acids, antioxidants, and natural antibiotics.

Bees store honey and consume it over the winter months when honey production dwindles. It provides them with energy, helping them stay healthy and survive during cold weather. To be sold, honey is taken away from bees and often replaced by sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup. Why consume commercials farmed honey when there are so many alternatives like Maple syrup, molasses, date syrup or other sweeteners. BUT there are local beekeepers who produce honey more ethically. These are essential to keep the bee population in our industrialized world alive. In the end it’s a very controversial topic even among vegans 🌱 10 likesReply
domcsiwill Thank you very much. That's actually quite a lot to think of but as you said local bee keepers from your own region are producing less honey without any drastic practices. My parents only buy that sort of honey, from supermarket that's a no go but in Germany it's harder to find a local beekeeper 😊1 likeReply
david- Honig vom Imker by Deutscher Imkerbund is usually a good brand to buy. Available at most weekly markets :D1 likeReply
domcsiwill I will keep that in mind and check after corona is over and they allow markets :D thanks ☺️1 likeReply
moralcompassion4all Hey there, if I may be so bold to add, please think of it this way: bees produce their own food through gruelling hours of honest labour and they NEED their food to survive. So why are we eating their food? It seems and feels extremely cruel to deny bees their hard-earned fruits of labour. That being said, there can NEVER be an ethical way to exploit another species, be it human or animal. Hope this finds you well :)7 likesReply
stevenneoh The bee thing is a thorny issue. It's not only in the production of honey where bees are domesticated and exploited. Really good article in the Guardian about a year ago regarding the use of bees in commercial almond (and almond milk) production in the US (Google it). Not altogether too dissimilar to what happens on honey farms. As ever, the devil is in the detail.2 likesReply
domcsiwill I would only add that bees are born to work, so one their their nest gets full and you need to harvest their honey so that they can continue in pollinating the crops further on, they would bot eat all the honey they make all alone. And now I am again talking about small regional beekeepers. 2 likesReply
moralcompassion4all If you've listened to Gary Yourofsky's speech before, you'd have heard about the term [ bee's vomit ] a.k.a honey, which is a euphemism coined and deployed by profit-motivated industries that need to convince the public to actually buy a product that's been regurgitated by the bees. Nobody's gonna buy bee's vomit. Or hen's unfertilised egg. Or even cow's lactation for that matter. I guess when you go vegan, you just realise on a fundamental level that animals (incl. insects) are not here on Earth for us to use or exploit in any way. Because as long as that mindset of 'using animals or their secretions/droppings' remains, there'll always be abuse, torture, exploitation, manipulation, domination and subjugation. Leading to the world's biggest and longest-standing atrocities of all time. I hope a great platform like abillion here would be able to give you that final push of encouragement to embrace veganism, together with all its empathy, respect, compassion and basic decency :D2 likesReply
iamgodschild I’ll definitely have to try this brand! 🙏1 likeReply
david- I’m not sure if it’s available where you’re at but here they are the leading plant based milk product replacement brand 😎1 likeReply
iamgodschild That’s a solid point!! I hope they are in my country and maybe even the area I’m in 😇 blessed to be around a community that supports organic, sustainable living!! Wahoo!!! That’s amazing!! Go Alpro!!! 🙌1 likeReply
malarky David – thank you for such an informed and heartfelt response to a question I hear a lot. Bees play such an enormous part of our human well-being, yet we treat them as our servants. Their very lives are threatened, and we know this, yet still act as we have been conditioned to – as if we are separate from this world. I am grateful for your clear eyed statements including your personal choice and suggesting plant sourced sweetness. 3 likesReply
david- Thanks for sharing your opinion :)1 likeReply
fellfromclear I only ever took honey from my relatives or the relatives of my boyfriend. Well I think it's how much you like and care about your bees (also how big your "business" is), because I know that they never take all the honey for themselves and sometimes they don't even take it since maybe it's been a more rainy year and the bees need it, but they are what you would call local beekeepers. So they produce a very limited amount of honey..more for a hobby than other things 😅 when I was little I always liked to follow wild bees 🐝 well I still like to, when I go see my woods.1 likeReply
david- Yes, I totally get what you’re saying! Local bee keepers are vital 1 likeReply
fellfromclear I always liked wild bees more 😆 they're smaller though and the color yellow is not as bright 💛 but you can't get their honey, it's too up on the trees 😅1 likeReply
malarky Sorry – the downside of being a newly minted overzealous vegan (1 year!!)... Please feel free to roll your eyes. I do realize we are all doing our best, and every little kindness toward any creature is a Sweet* thing. 1 likeReply
pbsofia 🤤 love this one!!1 likeReply
david- Me too! It’s one of my favorites, the other one being blueberry 🫐 Reply


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