Review of Minced Meat Noodles at Zhenyi Veggie Place by yogaong

photo of Zhenyi Veggie Place Minced Meat Noodles shared by @yogaong on  08 Oct 2019 - review

This is one of the new menu option which they added few months ago. The minced meat mainly used mushrooms as the ingredient and mixed up with the spicy sauce (little). The ramen noodles is chewy just that it is a bit dried so you have to stir well with the sauce. The taste for me is just right after the mixed up.

nicnicnic oooooo it looks really goodddddReply
yogaong @nicnicnic yea...The taste not bad, if you're around the place, you can try for it, their service not bad as well. I always go there for my lunch and dinner.Reply
nicnicnic I definitely will!! love noodles and it looks like it also has a good serving of veggies as well! thank you for the review :)Reply


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