Review of Waffle (with hazelnut r'ice cream) at WellSmoocht by sweetveganneko

photo of WellSmoocht Waffle (with hazelnut r'ice cream) shared by @sweetveganneko on  22 May 2018 - review

I cannot eat chocolate sauce, and the extremely friendly employee kindly substituted chocolate sauce with a sprinkle of cranberries for me. This is one of the 3 places that offer vegan waffles - Belgian waffles that is only faintly sweet on its own, extremely crispy on the outside and very fluffy on the inside even after being smothered all over with ice cream. It pairs very well with ice creams that are more nutty - my personal favourite is this hazelnut ice cream, which actually isn’t bitter (like hazelnut) AT ALL. If you haven’t had the hazelnut ice cream here, you HAVE to try it - Super addictive and Super nutty but not overwhelming.



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