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Sempre que venho para a Holanda , aguardo uma versão vegana dos biscoitos tradicionais daqui, recheados de caramelo. Encontrei!!! No Albert Hein!


Buonissimi! Stesso sapore di quelli non vegani! Anzi il biscotto l’ho trovato più buono e “burroso”


The closest thing to vegan stroopwafels that we’ve found so far. Not the same, but similar! Impossible to just have one 🙈 deceptively small, though, in comparison to the picture on the packaging.

#greytonfarmanimalsanctuary #sweettreats


I love these. This is the closest vegan alternative to the Dutch stroopwafel that I'm aware of. I usually eat them straight from the box, but sometimes I like to heat them for a few seconds to melt the caramel a bit. Highly recommended!



Finally I was able to try the famous dutch cookies in their vegan version. Maybe I had high expectations but they are too sweet for me. When you warm them up they are a bit better. They are two biscuits filled with caramel. I must say they are nothing I would always keep in my pantry.

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