Turmeric Gold

Pukka Herbsによる
4.03 (13)
  • Turmeric Goldはヴィーガンですか?はい!Turmeric Goldはabillionコミュニティによって認定されたヴィーガンですヴィーガン
  • 炭素影響アイコン0%を削減した


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A gift from my mum. Amazing product.

I like the way how much thoughts are

put into this product, from the paper box packaging, the copywriting, the vegetable-based ink , all the way down to the organic string of the tea bag. I even like the yellow box which matches the word “gold” so well too.

Everything makes the tea appreciation so much more enjoyable, knowing that so much care for the world is put into this product.

The tea blend is perfect. It is so light and smooth. My daughter and I love it so much. ❤️

Te verde, limón y cúrcuma son los ingredientes principales de esta infusión, que es orgánica

y viene envasada en papel y cartón. Rica y reconfortante en invierno y con muchos antioxidantes / Green tea, turmeric and lemon in this nice winter tea #abillionlove

Tastes amazing but has caffeine. I would never buy this again (unless it’s just for

the taste), because that turmeric blend doesn’t have pepper in it ... which is viral for the curcumin to be absorbed. #jaan

Thé au curcuma. Personnellement j'ai beaucoup aimé mais pas mon copain. C'est vrai que du

thé au curcuma c'est un peu spécial ! Mais très sain. Et délicieux si vous aimez déjà le golden latte.

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