Organic Vegetable Stock

4.41 (33)
  • Organic Vegetable Stockはヴィーガンですか?はい!Organic Vegetable Stockはabillionコミュニティによって認定されたヴィーガンですヴィーガン
  • 炭素影響アイコン0%を削減した


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Me interesó cuando leí que contenía apio y vi que el aceite de palma que

utilizan es recaudado de manera responsable. Me agrado el olor tenue y el ligero sabor que le agrego a mis sopas.

I liked that it contains celery and it sources the palm oil responsibly. Their catchphrase of “Just the thing to make your soup sing” also attracted me to it (not gonna lie). I liked its light aroma and the taste it added to my soup. #LibresAlFin

I wish it had more vegetables in it. First ingredient is sea salt, than potato

starch and palm oil (sustainable) and 6.8% of vegetables. is it only me or it should have a bit more vegetables in it? what do you think?
#veganisnotscary #stockcube

A great stock option although a bit low on salt for me personally. It’s GF

as well which might be a good selling point to some. Love the packaging, even has a poem on the back of the pack! #jaan

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