Classic Style

Happy Coco!による
4.50 (8)
  • Classic Styleはヴィーガンですか?はい!Classic Styleはabillionコミュニティによって認定されたヴィーガンですヴィーガン
  • 炭素影響アイコン64%を削減した


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Loved this natural yogurt with no added sugar. It's Bio, CO2 neutral.

Adoro estes Iogurtes de coco! São muito saborosos e é fixe para "desenjoar" um pouco

dos de soja. Comprei no Aldi, mas achei um bocado carote: 1.89€/unidade

This youghurt is at least triple the price compared to the local oat ones but

I tried it discounted. Well, it's super coconutty, like eating sour coconut cream 😅 not bad but probably not gonna be a regular one for me

Guter solider Joghurt auf Kokosbasis. Für süss finde ich ihn lecker oder für asiatische Gerichte.

Man muss den Kokosgeschmack mögen.

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