Cereal cookie

4.00 (23)
  • Cereal cookieはヴィーガンですか?はい!Cereal cookieはabillionコミュニティによって認定されたヴィーガンですヴィーガン
  • 炭素影響アイコン87%を削減した


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cereali fatti con farina integrale e gocce di cioccolato, che dalla forma ricordano dei mini

cookies. Li ho trovati davvero buoni, forse un po’ dolci ma nello yogurt stavano benissimo!

Ottimi per merenda classiche alla latte e cereali…
Leggermente stucchevoli dopo un po’ ma ottimo per

quando sia ha il ciclo 🤣

Quite nice, #crunchy, 8,2g of protein per 100g and only 1,6g of fat 🙊

Can be

found in #lidl

I was so excited by these when I found them, but they did not live

up to my expectations. They are tiny and are lacking in chocolate chips. Overall they are very sickly sweet, whilst also not having that much flavour at all. Don't get me wrong, they're not awful, but I definitely wouldn't buy them again.
Calories - 2 per cookie cereal

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