Bananitas Galletitas Dulces con sabor a Banana

Un Rincón Vegano の
4.20 (283)
  • Bananitas Galletitas Dulces con sabor a Bananaはヴィーガンですか?はい!Bananitas Galletitas Dulces con sabor a Bananaはabillionコミュニティによって認定されたヴィーガンですヴィーガン
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Introducing bananitas galletitas dulces con sabor a banana, a sweet treat that will satisfy your cravings for something sweet while enjoying a cup of tea. These little treats have a banana-like flavor and are perfect for sharing with friends and family. They are budget-friendly, costing only $180 for a pack. Find them at Shanti Ecotienda and indulge in their perfect combination of sweetness and banana goodness. Some customers have left positive reviews, stating that these cookies are irresistibly tasty and delight their taste buds.

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