Alpro soja ligera

Alpro の
4.10 (12)
  • 炭素影響アイコン60%を削減した


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Leche de soja. Sería como la versión light. Super cremosa 


With altro you never go wrong. This is great and has very low calories (28 kcal). Highly recommended!!


Bebida Alpro soja ligera

Bebida de soia doce para acompañar o café da mañá do día 
de Nadal.

Está ben de dulzor, nin pouco nin moito. O envase ten unha cor celeste moi bonita.

A bebida non é branca coma na foto, é máis ben de cor beige.

Non é a miña favorita, pero para un día está ben.


Alpro light soy milk

Sweet soy beverage to accompany the coffee in the morning on Christmas day.

It has a good sweetness, not too little and not too much. The packaging has a very nice light blue color.

The drink is not white as in the photo, it is rather beige.

It is not my favorite, but it is good for one day.



#EveryEffortCount #25Apr 115/365 #846
Spain, Barcelona
Family members sent for review!
This has light taste! A bit 
like rice milk at the end!!
💕💕💕 fall in love with this brand!!

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