Post by veganhubby

photo shared by @veganhubby on  26 Oct 2023 - postphoto shared by @veganhubby on  26 Oct 2023 - post

Warning! Disturbing Scenes in the attached video.

I was looking around at the super mart looking for treats for my two girls and I chanced upon this product. Upon checking the ingredients. I was surprised to see the ingredients, containing beef gelatin.

I googled what is INS428 and got this video link. I find it’s quite powerful for education and sharing with your omni friends. And just be careful when buying products.

Apparently, EU does not need to list INS428. As it’s not an additive but an ingredient.

Watch how gelatin is produced in the YouTube link below.

It’s disturbing but we need to know the truth.
#veganisnotscary #sweettooth #gummies

soy-orbison Powerful stuff. Thanks for sharing this.

It’s crazy how all these cruelty creeps into our food everyday masked behind eNumbers on the back of packaging.
And the crazier thing is they’re not even necessary since we have plant based alternatives out there which can replace these ingredients. 4 likesReply
veganhubby Yup. Agree😊 we have to be more careful. Safest is to eat whole food and not processed food as much as we can 1 likeReply
cloudyaquilegia 😱 as I know how gelatine is produced and the only thought disgusts me... I won't watch the video, I'm sorry... so I'm really scaredo to know what INS428 is... I never saw it on a package (and I'm a package reader 🙈)... but you said it's not listed in EU anyway? 😭2 likesReply
veganhubby From what I have researched. In EU1 likeReply
veganhubby Yes the video is quite gory. But the video shows us that the sweet is not just the sweet. It’s the cruelty, the suffering, the ending of a life. 🙏1 likeReply
sianski Thank you for sharing. Sobering. All these loopholes that can lead to exploitation.2 likesReply
veganhubby Welcome 1 likeReply
berryveganplanet Wow! So awful. Thanks for sharing! Will check it out. 2 likesReply
veganhubby Welcome 😊2 likesReply
rocksean1 Reading labels is mandatory for me!! It’s amazing how they can put milk in bread and potato chips!! 😖😡2 likesReply
veganhubby Hear ya. In the most unexpected and unnecessary way 2 likesReply
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