Black Sesame Pancake

3.65 (4)

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Sesame filling is grainy and fragrant, not really sweet. Great for black sesame lovers!

The skin is so soft and light, while the black sesame filling is so amazingly

rich and delicious.

$1.60! okay so this was highly raved and I’m highly disappointed LOL like I was

so excited walking all the way here, saw the huge slab of mjk and then happily ordered one. it was nice and warm when I got it which made me even more excited but then when I took a bit I was like ;-; HAHA the mjk was so thick and chewy, but not in a good way like it was wayyyy too thick. I like my mjk with the crispy part the most. and it didn’t really have much taste also compared to other mjk! the black sesame paste was generous BUT BUT tasteless lmao I couldn’t taste any black sesame even though there was so much?? idk man I was like trying to taste something but to no avail. I mean maybe because it’s unsweetened but I really couldn’t taste it. and coming from someone who loves anything black sesame:”( ah this was so disappointing, not sure if I should try the other flavors next time? SO EXPENSIVE ALSO like double the price of my favorite mjk from lorong ah soo (I highly recommend its like $0.80 and so good like yes but no black sesame tho) and it’s quite filling, not sure if that’s a good thing but I felt like it was a waste of my stomach space HAHA yea not a fan:/ #veganisnotscary

My colleague got some pancakes for the office and I picked the black sesame flavour

one to try bc I haven’t rlly had black sesame mjk before. Am a huge mjk fan, absolutely adore the traditional ones and this was pretty decent! Might be because I was starving, but it tasted rlly good and satisfied my black sesame craving. I had it when it was slightly cold (from sitting in an air conditioned environment for 2 hours) so it was a little oily (from the black sesame paste perhaps). They were generous w the filling and the pancake itself was not too bad (chewy) :)

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