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sofihuasteca1,927 レビュー

Scroll down for English Primera vez probando Cuarto Botanico en Monterrey, Mexico. Este restaurante y bar es 100% vegano con comida estilo asiatica como ramen, sushi, gyozas y mas. Es un lugar amplio y con decoracion bonita. La comida estaba rica pero lo mejor eran las bebidas. Tiene variedad de bebidas alcolicas y no alcolicas personalizadas donde escojes tu sabores, bases etc. Nosotras pedimos dos moctails deliciosos y frescos. Pedimos todo para llevar. Este platillo de Tofu Roca esta rico pero no mi favorito. El tofu estaba cocido perfectamente y venia con arroz sazonado y salsa roca. La salsa esta un poco dulce para mi gusto pero en general muy rico. ***** First time trying this relatively new asian fusion , 100% vegan bar and restaurant in Monterrey, Mexico. They have noodles, ramen, gyoza, sushi and more, as well as creative and flavorful drinks including some mocktails. This place has street parking, sometimes hard to come by, but the location is very nice with high ceilings and nice decorations. The food was good but, the highlight were the drink options, with coffee, tea and mixed drinks. They have a variety of mocktails and cocktails. The cocktails are personalized, as you choose your base, flavors and more. We ordered some delicious, refreshing mocktails. We ordered all of our food to go. This Tofu roca dish was good but not my taste.The tofu was perfecly cooked with the best texture and came with seasoned rice and roca sauce. The sauce was a little sweet for my taste though, but in general it was good. #monterreyvegano #mexico #100percentplantbased

Tofu Roca

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