Poking on abillion is more than a click of a button. How does it work?

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The Power of a Poke

When you click that "poke" button while crafting your review, you are sending a clear message to the restaurant or brand: "Please offer more vegan options!" This simple action signifies your desire to see an expanded range of plant-based meals, products, and experiences. It is an important and effective way to advocate for greater sustainability and compassion on a global scale.

Driving Business Transformation

Poking businesses on abillion is an essential part of our platform's mission. It serves as a direct incentive for restaurants and brands to invest their time and resources in creating vegan-friendly options that people crave. Each poke represents a vote for change, pushing businesses to reevaluate their offerings and align them with the growing demand for plant-based alternatives.

Inspiring Positive Change


By utilising the "poke" functionality, you contribute to a snowball effect of inspiration. The more members poke, the louder our collective voice becomes. Businesses take notice when they receive multiple pokes from the abillion community, understanding that there is a real demand for vegan choices. Your voice matters, and your pokes carry weight in shaping the future of the food and product landscape.

Our impact so far

our impact so far

Our community has poked brands on our platform more than 167,000 times, and restaurants over 65,000 times. These numbers are a testament to the collective power of individuals who are actively shaping the world they want to live in.

But together, we can achieve even greater change. Let's keep poking, keep reviewing, and together, we can create a more compassionate and joyful world for all.

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@wongas profile image
How do they receive the poke exactly , I was wondering?
@dyljohbar profile image
I'm also wondering what they actually see on their side.
@sparrownest profile image
Same. I haven't found that information anywhere and until I know what exactly it does, I'm very hesitant to use the feature. Like... does it send an email to the company? If so, is it per poke or do they get a monthly summary? And what language would the email be in? What are the restrictions regarding the same person poking the same business repeatedly?
@onerealkewlguy profile image
I true abillion to protect my privacy while nudging local businesses to either add more plant based options or to keep up the good work. Thank you for all that you do to create a kinder more gentle world.
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