Swimming towards change: how vegan alternatives can transform the fish industry

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The fish industry has always been a prominent part of human history and an essential source of sustenance for many communities worldwide. However, as our understanding of ethical and environmental issues has evolved, an increasing number of people are adopting vegan lifestyles and reevaluating the impact of the fish industry on our planet.

Ethical Concerns

From an ethical standpoint, the fish industry raises significant ethical concerns. Just like any other animal, fish possess the capacity to feel pain, experience fear, and exhibit complex behaviors.

Despite this, fishing methods commonly employed today often subject fish to immense suffering. Industrial fishing techniques such as trawling and long lining indiscriminately catch vast quantities of fish, resulting in high quantities of bycatch.

Countless non-target species, including endangered marine animals and juvenile fish, become collateral damage in the process. The inherent cruelty of these practices challenges the ethics of consuming fish and supporting this industry.

Overfishing and Environmental Impacts:

The fish industry has had a significant effect on marine ecosystems, causing overfishing and an imbalance in the environment. With more people eating fish every day, professional fishing fleets put a lot of pressure on fish populations. #### Overfishing upsets the balance of marine environments, which causes fish stocks to drop, coral reefs to get damaged, and other marine species that depend on fish to survive to go extinct.

On top of that, destructive fishing practices hurt the seabed, destabilize ecosystems underwater, and contribute to the loss of habitats.

Byproducts and Wastefulness:

The fish industry is also associated with high levels of byproduct waste. The process of cleaning and filleting fish generates substantial amounts of waste and discarded fish parts, contributing to water pollution and further straining marine ecosystems.

Moreover, fish farming, while touted as a potential solution to overfishing, often requires vast quantities of wild-caught fish to produce fish feed, leading to an additional shortage of marine resources.

Sustainable Alternatives:

Embracing a vegan lifestyle offers an opportunity to explore sustainable alternatives to fish consumption.

Plant-based alternatives such as seaweed, algae-based omega-3 supplements, and vegan fish substitutes provide a viable and compassionate option for people seeking the taste and nutritional benefits associated with fish.

Top Ten Vegan Seafood Brands

As the demand for vegan products is increasing, brands are constantly launching new and innovative alternatives to offer their customers a wide range of options to choose from.

We talked about plant-based meat, plant-based cheese, vegan egg alternatives, and now you can find another range of products on supermarket shelves: vegan fish.

Whether you're a seasoned vegan or simply curious about exploring plant-based options, these brands are sure to satisfy your taste buds while aligning with your ethical and environmental values.

Let’s see which brands are featured in our Top Ten!

1. Garden Gourmet

Garden Gourmet's VUNA is a game-changer in the world of plant-based seafood.

Made from a unique blend of natural ingredients, including wheat protein, soy, and seaweed extract, VUNA expertly replicates the flaky texture and savory taste of non-vegan tuna, making it the perfect choice for all kinds of recipes.

pic Photo: Garden Gourmet

2. Future Farm

This brand’s vegan fish products are the result of extensive research and development. By using ingredients such as plant proteins, seaweed extracts, and other natural components, Future Farm has crafted a range of vegan fish alternatives that closely mimic the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of traditional fish.

3. Findus

Findus has traditionally been known for its frozen seafood and meat products. However, in the last couple of years it launched its plant-based line “Green cuisine”, offering customers vegan seafood options as well, such as its well-known fish sticks.

pic Photo: Green Cuisine

4. Gardein

Gardein's extensive range of vegan products includes fishless filets and crab cakes. They want your next “fish & chips” to be as real as the traditional one.

5. Revo Foods

Revo Foods is dedicated to crafting plant-based alternatives that authentically replicate the taste, texture, and appearance of various seafood products. It creates vegan seafood options that closely resemble traditional fish and seafood, offering an exciting and immersive culinary experience for seafood enthusiasts.

pic Photo: Revo Foods

6. Vivera

Vivera Foods offers an extensive selection of plant-based alternatives, catering to a variety of tastes and preferences. Their range includes plant-based burgers, sausages, meatballs, kebabs, and now also plant-based fish such as vegan salmon fillets and fish sticks.

7. Heura Foods

Heura has introduced a line of vegan fish products that offer a remarkable resemblance to their animal-based counterparts. From fish fillets to fish sticks, their creations are made using a blend of high-quality plant proteins, such as soy and pea, along with other natural ingredients.

pic Photo: Vegconomist

8. LiVeg

LiVeg entered the market offering a wide selection of plant-based protein alternatives to traditional meat and dairy products. With the increase in the demand, it is starting to launch vegan fish products such as vegan shrimp.

9. Vegan Zeastar

This brand takes the concept of plant-based fish a little forward. Not only it offers a wide range of fish burgers and fillets, but it also launched on the market plant-based sushi fish so you can enjoy sushi, but vegan!

pic Photo: Vegan Zeastar

10. Incrivél

This Portuguese brand deserves a place in our Top Ten! They first launched on the market plant-based alternatives such as ground meat, meatballs, pizza and much more! They now offer their customers a wide selection of vegan fish products.

As we strive for a more ethical and sustainable world, moving away from the fish industry and its practices becomes increasingly relevant. By choosing plant-based alternatives, we can contribute to the well-being of marine life and the health of our planet.

And you? What is your go-to vegan fish brand?! Let us know is the comments.

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