Review of Steamed Rice at Hakka Ren - Dundas by svraphael88

photo of Hakka Ren - Dundas Steamed Rice shared by @svraphael88 on  14 Jan 2024 - review

Jesse and I went here for our 11 year dating anniversary, yesterday! 🎉🎉🎉

This new location was opened 3 months ago. The interior is absolutely stunning, clean, new, bright and welcoming. We cannot wait to make this our regular spot!!! It has an extensive and creative #veganmenu And everything is clearly labeled. A dream! And fabulous service too!

Just look at this #rice presentation! Lol! I really liked that it looked like a really big scoop of ice cream lol! We had to order this because the other dishes had so much gravy and we needed to soak it up with something!

It was $3.49.

veglocked That’s a HUGE bowl of rice. I’ve never received that much steamed (looks like it) rice anywhere I’ve been1 likeReply
svraphael88 Right?! I literally exclaimed a loud! Reply
whatacuriousnotion What?!?! The mains didn't come with rice?! They used to!1 likeReply
svraphael88 Yup. We asked! I was disappointed, but still worth it! 1 likeReply
whatacuriousnotion I'll have to see if the Square One location also changed. It was how I helped justify the price of everything 😅1 likeReply

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