Review of Shirakiku Sanukiya Reito Udon - Shirakiku by eritakay

photo of Shirakiku Shirakiku Sanukiya Reito Udon shared by @eritakay on  28 Jan 2023 - reviewphoto of Shirakiku Shirakiku Sanukiya Reito Udon shared by @eritakay on  28 Jan 2023 - reviewphoto of Shirakiku Shirakiku Sanukiya Reito Udon shared by @eritakay on  28 Jan 2023 - review


Having a #chewy, bouncy texture is a must to #udon! Never overcook udon, as it can be quite a torture to finish it 🫠 I’ve tried udon from a cheap restaurant, and it was served overcooked and soggy.

Anyway, this is the 2nd brand of udon I bought from #dondondonki; instead of just one layer of plastic that allows the consumer to break the udon to the desired size, this one comes individually packed, which means that we have to use the entire packet, hence the 2-star rating for presentation.

As mentioned above, this udon is ready to serve within minutes of #boiling in hot #soup to maintain its lovely chewy, bouncy goodness ✨

#japanesefood #japaneseudon #donki


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