Review of Turrón Artesano De almendra - Pastelería clorofila by mamaroach

photo of Pastelería clorofila Turrón Artesano De almendra shared by @mamaroach on  18 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Pastelería clorofila Turrón Artesano De almendra shared by @mamaroach on  18 Dec 2022 - review

Pastelería clorofila

#cerogasto, #hechoeticamente, #propiedaddeminoria

Turrón artesano de almendra

Feito con almendoa torrada, panela, manteca de cacao, limón e un sutil toque de canela.

Está boisimo e notase a man experta de produto artesano.
A pasta de turrón desfaiseche na boca. Leva amendoas polo medio que son crocantes e fan un contraste que me volve tolo.

Ademais o envase é de papel e ten un deseño moi chulo.


Artisan almond nougat

Made with toasted almonds, panela, cocoa butter, lemon and a subtle touch of cinnamon.

It is delicious and you can notice the expert hand of the artisan product.
The paste of nougat is unbearable in the mouth. It is filled with almonds in the middle that are crunchy and make a contrast that drives me crazy.

Besides, the packaging is made of paper and has a very nice design.


veronicagroen That is honestly the only thing I miss, nougat. Can't find a vegan nougat in South Africa1 likeReply
mamaroach Wish they had some way to send it to South Africa!Reply

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