Review of Smooth Peanut Butter - Meridian by vegpledge

photo of Meridian Smooth Peanut Butter shared by @vegpledge on  06 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Meridian Smooth Peanut Butter shared by @vegpledge on  06 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Meridian Smooth Peanut Butter shared by @vegpledge on  06 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Meridian Smooth Peanut Butter shared by @vegpledge on  06 Dec 2022 - review



I can’t believe I haven’t yet reviewed this #peanutbutter! This used to be my go-to if their crunchy was all out; it’s 100% peanuts, delicious and recyclable. However, since supermarkets have started making #nutbutter without sugar and palm-oil, nowadays I go for own-brand ones like Aldi which are much cheaper.
#meridian #peanutbutterlover #palmoilfree #peanuts #spread #smoothpeanutbutter


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