Review of Dairy Free Shredded Cheddar - Made With Plants by arianemeschiatti

photo of Made With Plants Dairy Free Shredded Cheddar  shared by @arianemeschiatti on  25 Jul 2022 - reviewphoto of Made With Plants Dairy Free Shredded Cheddar  shared by @arianemeschiatti on  25 Jul 2022 - reviewphoto of Made With Plants Dairy Free Shredded Cheddar  shared by @arianemeschiatti on  25 Jul 2022 - reviewphoto of Made With Plants Dairy Free Shredded Cheddar  shared by @arianemeschiatti on  25 Jul 2022 - review

Made With Plants

This is one of my favourite cheeses! It melts and it’s delicious! Great for toasties and pizza! I also tried it on nachos but you’ve got to manage your oven very well to not let it burn.


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