Review of Kettle Cooked Potato Chips - Panera Bread by heartartichokehearts

photo of Panera Bread Kettle Cooked Potato Chips shared by @heartartichokehearts on  15 Jul 2022 - review

Panera Bread

These potato chips are heavily oiled. They are crunchy, and just salty enough. #potatochips

unejanie what section were they in? i just reviewed them and every panera i looked at had zero reviews, which i found odd. 2 likesReply
heartartichokehearts Section... I'm not sure. On Panera's potato chips are 100% vegan. Did that answer your question?Reply
heartartichokehearts I ate my husband's chips that came as a side for an order he placed at a Panera Bread restaurant earlier this week. I did not find the chips at a section in a grocery store.1 likeReply
unejanie i meant in abillion. When I reviewed them the other day, there was not one single review for any Panera already on 1 billion.Reply
heartartichokehearts Oh my gosh, holy cow! How odd. Honestly I'm not quite sure what section it is in. I'm always fighting with the internet where I am at. I don't often notice the app itself!Reply
rjp That’s odd. I just searched and reviews came up. I’m in Singapore now but under Dining I typed in Panera Bread and made sure to change location to United States. Mercury’s not even in retrograde anymore. Modern tech… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Reply

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