Review of Real thin Crackers- sea salt - Mary's Gone Crackers by shmoopsify

photo of Mary's Gone Crackers Real thin Crackers- sea salt shared by @shmoopsify on  21 May 2022 - reviewphoto of Mary's Gone Crackers Real thin Crackers- sea salt shared by @shmoopsify on  21 May 2022 - review

Mary's Gone Crackers

I got these free. They’re not that thin, in my opinion. When you first bite into them they seem like they’ll be dense like a pita chip but they’re lighter than that. You need a dip with these cuz there isn’t much flavor. Not sure I’d buy them, especially when they’re $5 a box normally.

unejanie i love her seed crackers but they are a little dense also. 1 likeReply
shmoopsify I like those too. These, not so much. They’re not bad, nothing special at all and the box is small and the bag inside even smaller. They were $4.49 on sale. Thankfully I got them free.1 likeReply
unejanie free is my favorite price!1 likeReply

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