Review of Lenticchie rosse decorticate - Pedon by rebeljana
Apart from tons of fiber and potassium lentils contain slow-digesting resistant starch that delays the absorption of carbohydrates with blood sugar-lowering effects, as well as being a source of prebiotics that feeds gut flora to help prevent digestive diseases. Pretty much a definition of a super food if you ask me 😉 on top of that it’s so versatile. It works great in curries, soups and even desserts. And is damn cheap 👌
Few shots of todays dinner , curried lentil soup with gjnger, garlic ( of course! ), chili turmeric, chickpeas and spinach 😋 #helprifugiomiletta
lol1409 Dessert? 1 likeReply
rebeljana No dessert that time 😅1 likeReply