Review of Japanese Teriyaki Style Flavoured Tofu - Earth Grown by veggi-bella

photo of Earth Grown Japanese Teriyaki Style Flavoured Tofu shared by @veggi-bella on  24 Feb 2022 - reviewphoto of Earth Grown Japanese Teriyaki Style Flavoured Tofu shared by @veggi-bella on  24 Feb 2022 - review

Earth Grown

This is juicy and flavourful and doesn’t need much (if any) preparation - you could eat it cold from the packet. I seared it in a pan and added sesame seeds, sushi rice and veg for a teriyaki tofu bowl.
Bonus points for yumness and convenience, but from memory this is about $3.50 a packet for 2 big serves vs approx $2.50 for 4 serves for the Aldi plain one which is obviously much more versatile too, so this one’s not a regular buy for me. The plain blocks are rarely in stock lately.


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