Review of Orange Chips - Chiwis by louisg

photo of Chiwis Orange Chips shared by @louisg on  13 Jan 2022 - reviewphoto of Chiwis Orange Chips shared by @louisg on  13 Jan 2022 - reviewphoto of Chiwis Orange Chips shared by @louisg on  13 Jan 2022 - reviewphoto of Chiwis Orange Chips shared by @louisg on  13 Jan 2022 - review


What a great supersnack! These chips are 100% natural (only 1 ingredient [dried oranges]) and healthy. I picked these up at Planted Expo in Vancouver in November 2021. If I find them here in Toronto, I’d get them.

helloitsme I heard Toronto is having the Planted Expo here in late March. I’ve never seen these…healthy snack!2 likesReply

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