Review of Decaf coffee at Black Medicine by anthea

photo of Black Medicine Decaf coffee shared by @anthea on  10 May 2021 - review

This is coffee on another level. The decaf is made from beans, not pre ground. They had a choice of plant milks, and the coffee comes with a vegan doughnut hole. Going to this place is an experience! The barista is passionate about coffee and it shows!

pahulnotpaul Oh wow as someone who gets jittery from drinking coffee, I would love to try this! #capetown1 likeReply
anthea I’m exactly the same! It was so cool that they were completely decaf friendly 😊1 likeReply
pahulnotpaul It’s sad that I can’t visit Cape Town cuz it seems like a great place for vegan food :’)1 likeReply
anthea It really is! Hopefully one day you will! 1 likeReply

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