Review of Adobo Paste - La Costeña by malarky

photo of La Costeña Adobo Paste shared by @malarky on  14 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of La Costeña Adobo Paste shared by @malarky on  14 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of La Costeña Adobo Paste shared by @malarky on  14 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of La Costeña Adobo Paste shared by @malarky on  14 Jan 2021 - review

La Costeña

Hell’s bells!! I literally had to go to the toolbox to get into this jar! There must be a secret password and likely some of you know it and are laughing hard. The lid is super heavy weight with no threaded side. ?!?!? It took a paint can opener and all my strength, then after I got it bent to 90% I still needed a pair of pliers. Phew!...., on to the product....

I have loved this brand of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, but I’ve had to scrape the jar to get just adobo sauce for certain culinary needs. It is lovely. Then I saw this! – A jar of solely adobo paste! Yay! I can recommend it highly, except for the jar!
You can see that I flavored some vegan yogurt with it for crema on the tacos.

moralcompassion4all Haha sounded like you gave it your best to get to it ~ fruits of hard labour are sweeter..2 likesReply
malarky I was hoping someone would understand the darn lid and laughingly explain my error, but no such luck ha ha!Reply

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