Review of Plant Powered Protein Nuggets - Woolworths Food by simonel
Soooooo good! Crunchy with a really delicious nuggety texture inside. Much better than any nugget I ever recall eating and nothing in the ingredients list I didn't understand 😅
Made a great crunchy inside for my wrap.
Will definitely buy it again.
#veganin2020 #veganisnotscary
taz Yum! Great idea to use them inside a wrap. Why have I never thought of that?! 🌯3 likesReply
plantpoweredpayalla You have convinced me to purchase these. Great review :) 1 likeReply
simonel Really hope you enjoy them too 🙂1 likeReply
compassionate1candy I also love these!! 😁1 likeReply