Review of Genovese Pesto Pasta at Real Food by amazinganne

photo of Real Food Genovese Pesto Pasta shared by @amazinganne on  29 Aug 2020 - reviewphoto of Real Food Genovese Pesto Pasta shared by @amazinganne on  29 Aug 2020 - review

I used to cook my own pesto pasta with Jamie Oliver's or supermarket pesto & get still rave reviews. But it has been a while since I have cooked that. So restaurant pasta to the rescue. This is a rich home made pesto with grilled cucumbers, olives, crumbled boiled potatoes, garlic, onion & basil leaves. The pasta is organic. Veganize it by skipping the feta cheese. So overall a healthy carbo meal.
It was nice but I will try to cook my own, perhaps to blend my own pesto as it is not difficult. I will put mushrooms, arugula, roasted garlic, pine nuts to make it more hearty instead of just pasta & sauce.
#pasta #organicpasta #pesto #italianfood #spaghetti #southbeach #firstdishreview


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