Vegan Falafel Spinach

di Vemondo
4,03 (73)
  • È Vegan Falafel Spinach vegano? Sì! Vegan Falafel Spinach è certificato come vegano dalla comunità di abillionVEGANO
  • Icona impatto carbonicoSalvata 51%

Our Vegan Falafel Spinach is a nutritious and tasty snack made from chickpeas, spinach, and other wholesome ingredients. These bite-sized falafels are a healthy and satisfying option for a midday snack or as an addition to your meal. With no artificial flavors or preservatives, our falafels are made with only the finest ingredients to ensure a guilt-free indulgence. Customers have reported enjoying the flavor and texture of our Vegan Falafel Spinach, making it a popular choice for those seeking a healthy and delicious snack.

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