Organic Raisins

di Sun-Maid
4,71 (7)
  • È Organic Raisins vegano? Sì! Organic Raisins è certificato come vegano dalla comunità di abillionVEGANO
  • Icona impatto carbonicoSalvata 43%

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Recensioni più utili

There are two bags of organic raisins in the package, totally 4 pounds. The taste

of raisins is great, very sweet and naturally. I like the grapes being harvested matured and sun dried, and nothing else added in the final products such as oil, color preservatives. #nongmo #organic #natural
#sosfree (no added salt, oil, and sugar)

Raisins can go everywhere in cakes for breakfast in the oatmeal or granola or corn

flakes.. Or just eat some everyday. Good for your health

This product comes two-in-a-pack, inside a box (slight overkill in packaging). The raisins are

naturally sweet and delicious. Great as a snack in the hand, in a granola, in oatmeal, or in baked goods.

Tiny raisins in a tiny box! Easy to bring on the go or if you

just want a small portion. Interesting that they have an organic version but I normally don’t really place much emphasis on organic vs non-organic 🤭😬 but nice to know there’s this option for those who want?

Sweet and juicy, perfect to eat a handful with nuts or add to any dish,

I love these raisins and use them everyday.

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