spaghetti di konjac

di Combino
4,31 (37)
  • È spaghetti di konjac vegano? Sì! spaghetti di konjac è certificato come vegano dalla comunità di abillionVEGANO
  • Icona impatto carbonicoSalvata 32%

Introducing Spaghetti di Konjac, a low-calorie and high-fiber alternative to traditional pasta. Made from the konjac plant, these noodles have a slightly chewy texture and a neutral flavor that easily absorbs the taste of any sauce or topping. Some customers have reported satisfaction with this guilt-free pasta option, while others have noted that it may not have the same texture as traditional pasta. Overall, Spaghetti di Konjac is a healthier choice for those watching their weight or following a gluten-free diet.

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