So Soja! With Kefir Cultures Blueberry-Cherry

di Sojade
4,45 (15)
  • È So Soja! With Kefir Cultures Blueberry-Cherry vegano? Sì! So Soja! With Kefir Cultures Blueberry-Cherry è certificato come vegano dalla comunità di abillionVEGANO
  • Icona impatto carbonicoSalvata 64%

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Buonissimo, denso e leggermente acido, senza zuccheri aggiunti. Si sente il gusto delle ciliegie e

dei mirtilli e per me è stato uno snack al lavoro ma lo vedo bene anche sui cereali o in uno smoothie. Non conosco il prezzo perché me l’ha regalato un’amica da provare.


Molto buono! Finalmente uno yogurt da bere 🥹 Non troppo zuccherato

The first soy-based Kefir I have ever tried. I love it! This one is blueberry

flavoured, very pleasant, great for your gut, I recommend trying it! #greyton

I love this blueberry-cherry kefir! I never had vegan kefir before, but really liked dairy-buttermilk

and -kefir in the past! If you did too, you should definitely give it a try!!!

First of all the price is just ridiculous here (3.20€). I got it for half

off because it was about to expire the next day. I quite liked the blueberry cherry flavor, it was sour but enjoyable. Not a fan of the plastic bottle either and the size is quite small so I wouldn’t repurchase. High in sugar as well. #abillionlove

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