Vitamin B12

  • È Vitamin B12 vegano? Sì! Vitamin B12 è certificato come vegano dalla comunità di abillionVEGANO

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Recensioni più utili

great, im vegetarian since 2020 and i’ve never taken b12, and now since i take

it, the difference is enormous, i feel productive and less tired

This is certified vegan, easily available in Singapore too. B12 is very important for vegans

to take. Didn’t exactly feel a difference taking it but my B12 levels were slightly low and they’ve gone back to normal the last I checked.

I’ve only been taking these b12 vitamins for a few weeks now. Bought them to

see if I see a change in my energy levels. Got them in the H&B buy one item, and get one for a penny sale. The pills are tiny so very easy to take.

Essential for a vegan and vegetarian diet. This is taken every day

I've been using this product for a few years already. I like it and my

blood tests show that I have enough B12. I would just like if it would have some taste too.

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