Fagioli Borlotti

di Esselunga Bio
4,61 (32)
  • È Fagioli Borlotti vegano? Sì! Fagioli Borlotti è certificato come vegano dalla comunità di abillionVEGANO
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Fagioli borlotti are a type of bean that is commonly used in Italian cuisine. They are a good source of protein and fiber, and are also known for their heart-healthy benefits. These beans have a mild, nutty flavor and a meaty texture that makes them a versatile ingredient in many dishes. They can be used to make soups, stews, salads, and even eaten as a side dish. Fagioli borlotti are also environmentally friendly, as they are bio and ready to use. Overall, these beans are a healthy and convenient addition to your pantry.

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