Post by santuariovegan

Los cerdos son increíbles y divertidísimos.
Y por si tienes dudas mira a Agustín haciendo burbujas mientras se baña 😍😍😍

Santuario Vegan ❤️ 🐷 (y TODOS los animales)

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Pigs are awesome and hilarious.
And in case you have any doubts, he looks at Agustín blowing bubbles while he bathes 😍😍😍

Vegan Sanctuary ❤️ 🐷 (and ALL the animals)

We need you to move and help more animals:
► Make reviews in Abillion and look for us in the list of Sanctuaries 💚

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federicathewitch Ahahahahah 🐽🐷1 likeReply
animalsvoices Son como niños. Bueno, a decir verdad, son mejores que muchos niños humanos. 💚🐖🐷🐽😘2 likesReply
veronicagroen 😆 🤣 😂 that is adorable.1 likeReply
al-ma 🐽1 likeReply
berryveganplanet 😁😆🤣 i love this!! I needed a good laugh!1 likeReply
rebeccaevelewis Absolutely adorable! 💚💚💚1 likeReply
animaladvocat Sweet Agustin 😍 we used to do the same when we were Kids 🫶💟☮️🐾🌱💕🐷💕 #EndSpeciesism 1 likeReply
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