Post by abillion

photo shared by @abillion on  25 Feb 2022 - post

War is NEVER a solution! Our hearts ache for Ukraine and the people affected by Russia’s invasion. Allies in all parts of the world are condemning the actions of Putin, for good reason. The cost of lives and environmental damage caused by war is unforgivable and unjustifiable. As a species attacking ourselves, deluded by our own minds, we’re destroying our planet. Innocent people will suffer at the hands of a world leader chasing past glory and power. #StandwithUkraine and send your ferocious fighting spirit to the innocent lives affected by the violent acts against humanity.

How to help Ukraine:

✅ Save Life (NGO): Help the Ukrainian army crowdfund non-lethal military equipment such as thermal vision scopes, and provide training for Ukrainian soldiers.

✅ Crimea SOS: Help internally displaced people from Crimea since Russia occupied the peninsula in 2014.

✅ Hospitallers: Help a medical battalion that unites volunteer paramedics and doctors to save the lives of soldiers on the frontline.

✅ Happy Paw: Help homeless animals in Ukraine. The charity helps owners find lost animals, holds lectures on humane treatment of homeless animals for schoolchildren, and more.

✅ UAnimals: Help protect animals from exploitation & abuse. The organization managed to achieve a ban on animal circuses & persuaded Fashion Week designers to abandon natural fur.

Source: Al Jazeera
📷: Mohamed Azakir/Reuters

kate71 😢😢😢🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦5 likesReply
alice50 “As long as there are slaughter houses there will always be battlefields.” -Leo Tolstoy30 likesReply
greenp Love this quote but I am curious about the context in which it was used in the first place. I saw on Google that it was from Tolstoi’s ‘What I Believe’ but I can find no such quote in this writing. Anyone has further information?Reply
veganadam I couldn't find it in What I Believe/My Religion either but it seems like there are a few translations. I saw someone said it was part of a poem?! Tolstoy also wrote an article called The First Step where he describes a visit to a slaughter house.Reply
monicagugu82 😢3 likesReply
daniveg 😟😥😥😥1 likeReply
franvegg How can I donate the money I raised here in abilion? I can’t find any Ukrainian organization!9 likesReply
abillion Hi, at the moment we haven’t onboarded any Ukrainian organisations but you can donate directly to the above mentioned websites. Hope this is helpful! 2 likesReply
giuliawally Would be really nice if you can add them to your partner organizations. I’m sure many of us would help here as well, especially people who can’t do that in other ways 🇺🇦♥️16 likesReply
wmdiomedi Stop the attack on Ukraine! 2 likesReply
romeoluv1 I was actually coming in here to talk about this. @abillion10 is there anything you can do for the animals/rescues/shelters/sanctuaries in Ukraine. Proper research needs to be done ofcourse to ensure credibility but there has to be something9 likesReply
janebee And also the animals that are used in weapons testing. ❤️😢5 likesReply
sandra0206 Creo que también habría que levantar la voz para que EEUU, sus aliados y la OTAN deje de hostigar a Rusia. Que diría EEUU si Rusia le pone en sus fronteras bases militares??? Rusia invade o se defiende??? Les recomiendo interiorizarse en la historia del conflicto que no es de ahora, data de varios años atrás. 1 likeReply
mparramon Flipo cómo alguien pueda hablar de hostigar cuando Rusia está metiendo decenas de miles de soldados en Ucrania y matando población civil para tomar control del país. 3 likesReply
sandra0206 Pues, no flipes, solo hay que interiorizarse del motivo por el cual está sucediendo esto. Cualquiera reacciona si le están rodeando el territorio. Pensás que no es asunto de seguridad nacional para Rusia el hecho de que le pueda caer un misil en 5 minutos en Moscú si Ucrania entra a la OTAN? Acaso la OTAN no incumplió sistemáticamente el tratado que hizo con Gorbachov??? Reply
mparramon Vaya ridiculez. Estás utilizando un argumento artificial, ni tan siquiera el demente argumento de “neonazis drogadictos” de Putin se alinea con lo que dices. No entiendo como alguien puede estar en esta plataforma basada en la compasión animal y a la vez apoyar el asesinato premeditado de la población civil de un país como Rusia está haciendo con Ucrania. Si hasta los mismos soldados rusos están tirando la toalla cuando se enteran que van a matar! Suerte que ahora tenemos la opción de bloquear y reportar a usuarios aquí, no voy a permitir este tipo de retórica pro-guerra aquí. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦2 likesReply
sandra0206 Reporta todo lo que quieras. Si te parece que decir que Rusia se está defendiendo es apoyar la guerra, tienes un problema de comprensión de texto y también un gran desconocimiento sobre historia. Y tal vez, el que haya que reportar sea a ti por agresivo, violento y pretender acallar mi opinión, basada en hechos, simplemente por no coincidir con la tuya. Reply
tinkx Shocking for this age of ours. Brutal and cruel, always has been. Boycott and never forget. What else can ordinary people do?1 likeReply
martaydei My brother's wife is fron Ukraine and it's horrible what is happening there. 2 likesReply
herbimetal I hope she and her family will be safe4 likesReply
mparramon If you want to donate money to help Ukraine, here is a list of places to donate: likesReply
jennyh1 Please onboard some Ukrainian organisations so that we can support them through this.2 likesReply
ghostygoo Disappointing. This post is VERY misleading. The west clearly supported Syrian rebels so why aren't we fed the same narrative when Russia moves to support Luhansk rebels? You know who will suffer most? Petrol users and anyone who wants to heat their home next winter. Stop allowing mainstream media to stir up trouble. All war is offensive but Russians have as much right as anyone to protect their borders. Nato has reneged on its promise not to expand and Ukraine has violated the Minsk Treaty.1 likeReply
plants4me May the lord protect the citizens of Ukraine! Your fight to preserve your sovereignty is noble, courageous & inspiring!! Ukraine 🇺🇦 Strong!🙏🏽Reply
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