Review of Almond Butter Puffs Cereal - Trader Joe's by iszy

photo of Trader Joe's Almond Butter Puffs Cereal shared by @iszy on  16 Jan 2024 - reviewphoto of Trader Joe's Almond Butter Puffs Cereal shared by @iszy on  16 Jan 2024 - review

Trader Joe's

Oh boy these are rough. If you're looking for a vegan, gluten free alternative to Reese's Puffs, keep looking. This cereal is so hard to eat... Literally! Even letting it sit in oat milk for a while doesn't really soften it. I also was not able to detect any nutty flavor from the cereal. It really just kind of tasted like rice flour to me. TJ's says that almond butter makes up 40% of the recipe, but I guess that's not enough. The bag inside the box is also much smaller than expected so the box is only about half full, and it's pretty expensive! This was definitely a miss from Trader Joe's. It's not so bad I'll throw it away, but even with this small amount it will take me a while to finish.

#cereal #breakfast #almondbutter #almond #glutenfree #riceflour #quinoa #expensive

kyu Love your book stacks! It’s starting to look like that over here too — I keep finding amazing deals at my local used book sale, but I’m running out of shelf space… and sorry to hear that the cereal wasn’t so good :-( 2 likesReply
iszy I need to find a proper bookshelf! 1 likeReply
leratonsaveur Noooo I was hopeful when I saw the pic 😔 that’s too bad1 likeReply
iszy It was such a bummer! 1 likeReply
lilyycaroline If you’re still the hunt for a vegan Reese’s Puffs cereal there are several from Nature’s Path Organic that you might like! They have Panda Puffs (peanut butter), Choco Chimps (chocolate), and Leapin Lemurs (chocolate and peanut butter). I grew up enjoying a lot of this brand’s cereals, hope you like them too!2 likesReply
iszy Oooh thank you! I'll be on the lookout for that1 likeReply

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