Review of Autumn Wheat Organic Whole Wheat Biscuits - Kashi by organicjoe

photo of Kashi Autumn Wheat Organic Whole Wheat Biscuits shared by @organicjoe on  24 May 2023 - reviewphoto of Kashi Autumn Wheat Organic Whole Wheat Biscuits shared by @organicjoe on  24 May 2023 - reviewphoto of Kashi Autumn Wheat Organic Whole Wheat Biscuits shared by @organicjoe on  24 May 2023 - review


#recyclable, #palmoilfree

This + oat milk = 🥰 I am in love with this cereal. It has a subtle sweetness to it that compliments any plant-based milk 🥛 It's quite nutritious with 7g of fiber, 7g of protein, and a variety of vitamins/minerals. I highly recommend this #organic cereal 👌 🍃



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