Review of Dado Ai Funghi Porcini - Knorr by svraphael88

photo of Knorr Dado Ai Funghi Porcini shared by @svraphael88 on  03 Apr 2023 - reviewphoto of Knorr Dado Ai Funghi Porcini shared by @svraphael88 on  03 Apr 2023 - review


These are #amazing! I love the fact that the vegan symbol is right in your face. I found these are my local Italian Bakery (Truscott) for $5! I will "stock" up next time I'm there (get the pun?!?!) LOL! #penny
I have used these a bunch of times. I have used them in my mushroom broth bowl and in my ramen and in my wonton soup. As an avid soup-lover, I approve of this broth. #noplastic #mushroomlover #govegan

sueprozak Vegano!!!!! I’ll have to look for these! Price is right. 1 likeReply

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