Review of Babypat - Hijolusa by mamaroach

photo of Hijolusa Babypat shared by @mamaroach on  13 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Hijolusa Babypat shared by @mamaroach on  13 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Hijolusa Babypat shared by @mamaroach on  13 Dec 2022 - review



Patacas "baby" para facer no microondas.

Non me gusta moito que o envase sexa de plástico, pero non sei onde mercalas a granel. #notecofriendly

Son para facer unha receita de patacas cocidas con brécol, coliflor e cenoura ao vapor e salsa de iogur con sementes de cáñamo. #salad

Unha delicia! E bastante barato, só 1.35 pola bolsa de patacas. #cheapandgood

Ademais o nome do produto invita a cantar Baby Pat tuturututu Bay Pat tuturututu Baby Pat


Baby potatoes to make in the microwave.

I don't like very much that the packaging is plastic, but I don't know where to buy them in bulk.

I use them to make a recipe of boiled potatoes with broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, steamed carrot and iogur sauce with hemp seeds.

Delicious! And quite cheap, only 1.35 per bag of potatoes.

Besides, the name of the product makes you sing Baby Pat tootoorooo tootoo Bay Pat tootoorooo tootoo Baby Pat


tamiapple Yum! 🥔2 likesReply
valeveg75 #potatolover 2 likesReply
maryanarch 🤣 🎶 🎶 😝 🥔 👍🏿 1 likeReply

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