Review of Wild Cherry - Clearly Canadian by acastillon

photo of Clearly Canadian Wild Cherry shared by @acastillon on  22 Nov 2022 - review

Clearly Canadian

Back in the early 90s, I became hooked on Clearly Canadian. My family would buy it by the case at Price Club (an early predecessor to Costco). It was prevalent on store shelves, and all was well. Until it wasn't....

Sometime in the mid-nineties, Clearly Canadian vanished from our store shelves. First came the empty shelves with a tag indicating where the Clearly Canadian would have resided. And then, even that tag vanished . . . replaced by some other 90s flash-in-the-pan drink like Frutopia. Since I had just been through a similarity heartbreaking situation with Crystal Pepsi, I thought I would move on from it. But I never did . . . I always pined for the crisp, clean refreshment that was Clearly Canadian.

Fast forward 25ish years, and what do I see out of the corner of my eye but a bottle of Clearly Canadian! My joy of reuniting with this nostalgic drink was quickly tempered with some thoughts . . . surely whoever resurrected this brand took some shortcuts and destroyed the flavor? Maybe replaced the pure cane sugar with high fructose corn syrup?

I approached the first sip with trepidation. But imagine my delight when I realized the flavor was the exact same as it was back in the day. Great cherry flavor, perfect amount of sweetness, fanciful bubbles of carbonation.

So go on, AI, and award me my $0.60 if that is all this trip down memory lane is worth to you. But there are some things that your circuitry will never understand. One of those things is the ability a bottle of Clearly Canadian to transport me back to the halcyon days of my youth with just a single drink.

rosieb33 I heard real tears are worth an extra $.05. Pony up.7 likesReply
acastillon @rosieb33 😂3 likesReply
acastillon @rosieb33 ultimate irony is that review did in fact get only sixty cents. 😭5 likesReply
tamiapple 😂3 likesReply
tamiapple 😂3 likesReply
maryanarch 🤣 🤣 🤣 👍🏿 👌 👍🏿 3 likesReply
kyu This is quite possibly one of the most stirring and poignant reviews I have ever read7 likesReply
tamiapple Totally agree, this is a great review. 5 likesReply
acastillon @kyu aww thanks! It was fun to write :) Ironically it started with just a single sentence about the product, but then somehow grew into this novel haha 😂5 likesReply
acastillon @tamiapple thanks much! It was a blast to write. So cool how certain things can have such a nostalgic effect :)4 likesReply
tamiapple Food memories are often strong memories 😊👍3 likesReply
beckyyy Hahahaha! I was totally shocked to find this too. And it’s still so good! 6 likesReply
acastillon @beckyyy yes it was so nice to see it come back. I saw you had done a review on these same drinks, cool! 😎3 likesReply
ksvegan17 I was thrilled to see it in stores again!1 likeReply
acastillon @ksvegan17 yeah hey? I was super glad as well. After doing some more reading about their return to the stores, I learned that crowdfunding had a hand in their reincarnation. Interesting! likeReply
ksvegan17 The raspberry one was my favorite. That’s so cool. Thank you for sharing.1 likeReply
acastillon @ksvegan17 mmmmm . . . Country Raspberry. That's a great one! 😋1 likeReply

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