Review of Radiant Glow Face Mask - Revolution Beauty by irene80

photo of Revolution Beauty Radiant Glow Face Mask shared by @irene80 on  18 Apr 2022 - reviewphoto of Revolution Beauty Radiant Glow Face Mask shared by @irene80 on  18 Apr 2022 - review

Revolution Beauty

Maschera che profuma di frutti tropicali con un leggero effetto scrub grazie ai semini presenti. Ovviamente verrebbe da mangiarsi pure questa😘
#veganskincare #facemask #tropical #tropicalfruit #coconutlover

Mask that smells of tropical fruits with a slight scrub effect thanks to the seeds present. Obviously this would be worth eating too😘
#veganskincare #facemask #tropical #tropicalfruit #coconutlover


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